Organically Grown Dark Roast Coffee Beans
Vegan • Gluten Free • Local
Heavy, rich, dark chocolate tasting notes
This coffee is sourced from Café Organico Marcala, S.A. (COMSA), an association with 641 coffee farmers in the Marcala region, a protected designation of origin (DENOMINACION DE ORIGEN CAFE DE MARCALA) within the department of La Paz, Honduras. COMSA boasts a newly renovated wet mill and a demonstration farm where innovations in organic farming are being perfected and then taught to farmers. COMSA has also significantly increased the participation of women within the organization, which has resulted in a successful women’s group that has established their own farmers’ market to sell home-grown organic produce.
Goes well with: A splash of oat milk and dollop of highland honey!
We love it in: This chocolate covered coffee beans recipe!
Packaging: Brought to you in a reusable glass jar, please return it for cleaning and reuse (and to get your jar deposit back minus a small cleaning fee).
Storage / Shelf life: Lasts up to 1 year. Store in an airtight container away from light.
Sizes: 4 cups / 8 cups
Origin: Honduras