

Organic Dried Mango

Organic Dried Mango

Organic Dried Mango

$7.60$14.30 available on subscription


Organic Dried Mango

$7.60$14.30 available on subscription


Organic Dried Mango

Organic • Vegan • Gluten Free

Goes well with: A snack bag complete with Organic Dried Cranberries, Organic Dried Blueberries, and Organic Dried Cherries!

We love it in: This fun Tropical Mango Oatmeal Cookie Recipe!

Ingredients: Organic Dried Mango

Packaging: Brought to you in a reusable glass jar, please return it for cleaning and reuse (and to get your jar deposit back minus a small cleaning fee).

Storage / Shelf life: Properly stored in an air tight container, dried mango will last for about 6 to 12 months at normal room temperature.

Origin: Mexico

Size(s): 2 cup | 4 cup

Net Weight: 7.1 oz | 14.3 oz

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2 cup, 4 cup

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